How to Hide Stories from Someone on Instagram

Looking to Keep your Instagram Stories Private from Specific Accounts. Here are the Best Methods to Hide Your Story From Someone on Instagram.

Instagram Stories are a fun way to share moments with your followers, but there may be times when you want to keep your stories private from certain people. Instagram provides a simple process for hiding your stories from a specific person, whether for privacy or to avoid unwanted attention. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to do it.

Ways to Hide Your Instagram Stories from Someone

There are official working methods for hiding your Insta stories. Let’s discuss those one by one, and you can follow the method you feel safe using.

1. Hiding Your Instagram Story Before Posting

If you are about to post a story but aren’t willing to be notified to some people, you can choose who can see your story before posting it to the platform.

  1. Open the Instagram app and navigate to your profile.
    Hide Insta Story
  2. Tap the three dots in the top right corner, then select “Settings and Privacy.”
    Settings and privacy
  3. Scroll down to the “Who can see your content” section
  4. Under the section you can see an option called “Hide Story and Live
    Story content
  5. Search for the person you want to exclude and tap their name.
    Hide story
  6. Confirm by tapping the circle next to the person’s username.
    Hide Instagram Story

Following these steps will prevent the selected individual from viewing your story, even if they are following you. They will still be able to see your profile and regular posts, but your story will be hidden.

2. Hide your Instagram story after posting

If you have posted a story without hiding the person, there is are high chance that he/she might view your story, but Instagram allows us to hide a story from someone even after publishing it accidentally.

  1. Go to your profile on Instagram.
    Hide Story
  2. To view your story, tap your profile picture.
    Instagram Story
  3. To see the list of viewers, swipe up.
    story view
  4. Locate the person from whom you want to hide your story and tap the three dots next to their name.
    three dots
  5. Choose “Hide Your Story.”
    hide your story
  6. Confirm your selection by tapping “Hide.”

After completing these steps, the selected individual’s access to your story will be revoked immediately, even if they have already viewed a portion of it.

3. Hide Instagram Story Using Close Friend List

You can also use another way to hide your Instagram story from someone, you can make use of the close friends option. Here’s how.

  1. Open the Instagram app and go to your profile.
    Close friends
  2. Tap the three lines in the top right corner, then select “Lists > Close Friends
  3. Tap “Create List” and search for the individuals you want to include. Once you’ve found them, tap their names to add them to your Close Friends list.
  4. By completing these steps, you’ve established a curated group with whom you can selectively share your Instagram stories
  5. Choose the “Story” option to begin creating your content.
    Add story
  6. Look for the green circle at the bottom of the screen labeled “Close Friends.” Tap this option.
    Add Instagram story to close friends
  7. Proceed to create and post your story. This content will now be visible exclusively to the individuals on your Close Friends list.

By following these straightforward steps, you’ve successfully limited the audience of your Instagram story to a select group. This is a practical approach for sharing more personal or exclusive content without resorting to blocking or hiding from specific individuals.

Additional Tips

  • Hide from Multiple People: You can hide your story from multiple people at the same time by selecting each one during the process.
  • Hide from Non-Followers: You can conceal your story from those who do not follow you.
  • Story Muting: If you don’t want to see other people’s stories, you can mute them.
  • Blocking: Consider blocking individuals to restrict access to your profile, posts, and stories for a more comprehensive approach.

Wrapping It Up

Overall, you can customize your Instagram experience by incorporating these additional tips to ensure the desired level of privacy and control over who views your stories. Experiment with these options to customize your social media interactions based on your preferences.

Remember that Instagram’s features are intended to be flexible, allowing you to curate your online presence as you see fit. These steps enable you to effectively manage your audience, whether for personal or professional reasons.

If you've any thoughts on How to Hide Stories from Someone on Instagram, then feel free to drop in below comment box. Also, please subscribe to our DigitBin YouTube channel for videos tutorials. Cheers!

Jeeva Shanmugam
Jeeva Shanmugam is a highly skilled content writer with expertise in writing articles, blogs, and other forms of content on various technology-related topics. He has extensive knowledge of software development, networking, cybersecurity, and other related fields.

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