Advertise on DigitBin

DigitBin is a tech blog which deals in Android, Windows, online streaming, gaming, software fix and all things tech. If you are looking for a prospective source to sell your products or increase brand awareness than you have landed on the positive part of the internet.

DigitBin garners more than 4 million page views per month. Making it a very powerful platform for advertisers to sell the services. If you are willing to partner with us we have the following opportunities.


What we Offer

  • Below Title – US$ 4500
  • Below Content – US$ 400
  • Sidebar (300*250) – US$ 600
  • Sidebar (Skyscraper) – US$ 750
  • In-depth unbiased App/software review

Note: We strictly do not accept Guest posting, backlink sharing or any other similar services.

If you have any questions or want to know more about what we offer, feel free to contact us.