What Do the Different Icons and Symbols Mean on WhatsApp

Wish to know what each Icon and Symbol on WhatsApp mean. Here is the detailed guide on Meaning of all Icons and Symbols on WhatsApp

WhatsApp has recently redesigned its UI. Some are loving it, and others are missing the old interface. On the other hand, new WhatsApp users are utterly confused seeing the icons all around the app. It is common to get confused with the features of an app when you use it for the first time.

In this guide, I have explained the various icons you will encounter on WhatsApp Messenger. It will help the newbies on WhatsApp to understand and use the various features of the instant messaging app without scratching their heads.

Icons on WhatsApp Home Screen

When you launch WhatsApp the first page you land on is the WhatsApp home screen.

QR Code

It is a UPI scanner to scan the QR codes of a merchant to make digital payments using WhatsApp.
how to pay using whatsApp UPI payment QR

Camera Icon

Quick access to the phone camera to shoot photos and videos to share with your contacts. You can also access your device gallery to choose existing photos.
how to share an image as WhatsApp status

Overflow Menu

Tapping the 3-dot symbol or the kebab menu will bring up a small menu that allows you to

  • Form a new WhatsApp group
  • Create a new broadcast
  • Link a device
  • Access Starred messages
  • Go to Payments
  • Access WhatsApp settings

WhatsApp menu

Search Bar

Search for your chats by typing the name of the contact. It comes in handy to access a particular chat if you have a lot of contacts with whom you exchange WhatsApp messages.

how to search a chat in WhatsApp

Green Tick Beside Username

The green tick denotes that it is a business account you are interacting with. If you tap the overflow icon and select View Contact, you will learn that the account is designated as a Business.
what does the green tick beside WhatsApp contact mean

A Small Green Circle with a Number On It

The small green circle with a number beside a conversation denotes unread messages from a contact/business. The number specifies how many messages from the contact in that chat are yet to be seen by you.

how to check unread messages from a contact on WhatsApp

Bell Icon with a Line

Some conversations on the WhatsApp homepage are marked with a bell icon that has a line crossing over it. This means you have muted the notification from that contact for a specific period.

how to mute a chat in WhatsApp

Usually, WhatsApp users may mute the chats from Business companies. To mute message notifications from a contact, long press the on the chat and tap the cross on a bell icon.

The Plus Button on a Green Square Background

The big plus button with a green backdrop at the bottom of the screen is used to start a new chat with your WhatsApp contacts. Tap the button to redirect yourself to the contact list page. Select any contact to start the conversation.

how to start a new chat in WhatsApp

WhatsApp Homepage Tabs Icons

Scroll down the WhatsApp homepage to find a few icons in a horizontal arrangement. Let us know what purpose they serve.


The Chats tab highlights all the conversations you had with your WhatsApp contacts. By default, the Chats tab is open when you launch WhatsApp. The total number of unread messages will be highlighted on the Chats icon.

Updates Icon

WhatsApp Status update is a primary feature of the Meta-backed messenger. Tap the Updates icon to set a new status on your account.

A WhatsApp status consists of 30 seconds of an image or video you can share with exclusive or all WhatsApp contacts.

A status will automatically disappear after 24 hours. You may manually delete it within the twenty-four hours when it is visible.

WhatsApp homepage icons

Communities Symbol

The icon with a group of people symbolizes WhatsApp communities. A specific WhatsApp community caters to a particular topic. For instance, sports car enthusiasts can create a community of WhatsApp users who love everything about sports cars.

WhatsApp Calls [telephone receiver icon]

Tapping the phone receiver icon will take you to the call log of WhatsApp. You can find the list of audio and video calls you have made with your contacts.

Symbols Inside a WhatsApp Chat

Once you launch WhatsApp, most likely you will access a conversation to start or resume chats with a contact.

At the top of the message, you can view the contact name of the other participant in the chat.
name of the WhatsApp contact in a chat

The video camera icon is used to initiate a video call with the contact.
how to start a video call with a WhatsApp contact

The phone icon is used to place an audio call on WhatsApp.

start a audio call with WhatsApp contact

The overflow icon will open a context menu to view the contact details in the corresponding chat, media shared with them, and manage notifications.

overflow icon to access context menu in WhatsApp chat

On the message, the double blue tick indicates the message has been seen by the recipient.

WhatsApp message double blue tick

A double grey tick indicates that the message has arrived on the receiver’s end but they have not seen it yet.

WhatsApp message double grey tick meaning

A single grey tick indicates that the message has been sent successfully but it has not reached the recipient’s device.

meaning of WhatsApp single grey tick

The twisted Arrow icon beside a shared media file(photo/video) in a conversation is the icon for forwarding the media to other WhatsApp contacts.

how to forward an image in WhatsApp

The downfacing dual arrow icon will move you to the latest conversation between you and the other participant in the chat. They appear automatically when you scroll up to view the older chats.

how to scroll to the neweset chat in WhatsApp

Any emoji below a chat indicates the participant’s reaction to the context in which the message was sent. Long press on a chat to reveal emojis to select and react to the highlighted chat.

how to react to a WhatsApp message with emoji

At the bottom of the chat screen, you get the Message field. Tap on it to start typing the message.

type a message in WhatsApp

Paper plane icon/Send button: Tap this icon to send a message in WhatsApp. As you start typing a message, this icon will appear automatically.

press the send button to deliver your WhatsApp message

The Icons in the Message Typing Field

There are five icons around the message typing field.

Emoji repository: Access all the emojis, GIFs, avatars, and stickers that you can exchange with your contacts while chatting.

how to add emoji stickers and GIFs in WhatsApp chat

Clip icon: Tap this symbol to attach an image or video to send to your contact with whom you are carrying out the conversation.

how to attach a photo or video in WhatsApp chat

Currency icon: Tap on it to send payment to the contact in the chat.

send payment to a WhatsApp contact in the chat

Photo camera icon: Immediately click a photo using your phone camera (or shoot a video) to send it as a message in the WhatsApp chat.

send an image or video in a WhatsApp chat

Microphone Icon: Long press on the icon to record a voice message and send it to the participant in the chat.

how to send a voice message in WhatsApp

Symbols Associated with a WhatsApp Voice Message

If you have exchanged voice messages with your WhatsApp contact, it will appear as a mini media player with a rectangular outline.

Press the Play button to start hearing the message.

how to play a voice message in WhatsApp

Similarly, press the pause button to stop the voice message playback.

pause a voice message in WhatsApp

Once you play the message another button appears with 1x written on it. It denotes the playback speed of the voice message.

Tap on 1x to change the voice message playback speed to 1.5x or 2x.

how to change the playback speed of WhatsApp voice message

Symbols in WhatsApp Settings

To go to WhatsApp Settings,

  1. Tap the overflow icon on the WhatsApp home screen.
  2. Select Settings.
    how to access the WhatsApp settings

The WhatsApp QR scanner: Create a QR code for your WhatsApp contact. Share the QR code with the people to add you as a contact on WhatsApp Messenger.
how to add a WhatsApp contact by scanning QR code

Green Chevron: This icon is right next to the QR scanner on the Settings page. Tap this chevron to find a small menu at the bottom of the page to add another WhatsApp account on the same device.
how to add a second WhatsApp account on the same device

Magnifying glass: The search option to access any settings directly.
how to search for a WhatsApp setting

A grey circular avatar/image placeholder: It denotes the profile picture of the WhatsApp account.

how to access WhatsApp profile picture

Icons in the Settings Menu

Here is a brief description of all the icons you see in the WhatsApp settings.

Key icon: Go to Account settings to manage all your WhatsApp account-related information.

whatsapp account settings

Lock icon: Manage the WhatsApp account privacy.

WhatsApp account privacy settings

Face icon: Create, edit, and manage avatar on WhatsApp profile photo.
how to change profile photo or avatar in WhatsApp

Message icon: Access chat settings, and set themes and wallpapers.
how to access WhatsApp chat history

Bell icon: Manage the WhatsApp notifications for one-to-one messages and group conversations in a WhatsApp group.

how to manage WhatsApp notification settings

Broken circle icon: Access the storage details and network usage. Manage the media auto-download.

how to access WhatsApp storage and data

Globe icon: Manage the language used on the WhatsApp account.

set a language to use WhatsApp

Question mark within a circle: Go to the Help Center. Contact WhatsApp for support-related queries and learn the privacy policy.

how to contact WhatsApp support

People icon: Share the WhatsApp link to invite a friend to use WhatsApp.

invite a friend to use WhatsApp

Icons on the WhatsApp Audio Call Screen

Along with sending text messages, you can also make audio calls to your contacts on WhatsApp. Let us check out the icons that you will encounter on the audio call screen and what they signify.

Sound icon: Use it to adjust the volume of the call.
manage the volume of WhatsApp audio call

Video camera icon: Tap on it to switch to a video call.
how to switch from audio call to video call on WhatsApp

Microphone icon with a line on it: It is used to mute the audio of the call.
mute audio of WhatsApp call

Human icon with a + symbol: Press this button at the top-right corner of the screen to add one or more people to the call.
how to add more contacts on a WhatsApp call

Phone icon inside red circle: Tap it to end the active WhatsApp voice call.

how to end the WhatsApp call

Bottom Line

I have covered all the primary icons that you will come across on WhatsApp Messenger. If you are new to the app, this guide will help you understand the icons used in chats, audio calls, managing settings, or sending payments. So, chat away merrily without getting confused about the symbols on WhatsApp.

If you've any thoughts on What Do the Different Icons and Symbols Mean on WhatsApp, then feel free to drop in below comment box. Also, please subscribe to our DigitBin YouTube channel for videos tutorials. Cheers!

Swayam Prakash
Swayam is a professional content creator with 6-years of experience in conceptualizing, creating, and managing tech-based content for notable online publishing firms. At DigitBin, he creates quality-rich and simple content related to Windows OS, Android, iOS, social media, cloud computing, and other general consumer technology. Contact Me on Linkedin

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