Learn how to delete Google account permanently and also export the Gmail data using Google Takeout program. You can entire export of Google data storage till date and also close the account forever.
Switch to dark mode theme in android apps without rooting the device. Enable or disable the night mode in YouTube, Message, Contact and many other android apps.
Learn how to change Siri voice in iPhone or iPad and even in macOS machine. You can change the Siri assistant voice and sound based on the native region from the available option.
'Google servers are temporarily overloaded. Your message was not sent. Please try again shortly' Resolving this sporadic error spread across the globe especially for G Suite user.
Officially there is no way to store and secure your your Google Keep notes using password protection, however, multiple online third party apps can help. You can also store in Trash can just in case.
A comprehensive guide on free Hotmail email account management for personal usage. Learn how to register, login and setup account, manage mail and mobile apps.